When you look to the happy faces of the young children supported by Tikaloeska, you don’t see any sign of starvation. Fortunately food and fresh drinking-water is not an issue in Indonesia, although for most of the people, daily meals are very simple and some specials like meat is only served during festive days! Standard of living of the ordinary people in Indonesia is still very low. Most people don’t have any kind of health insurance or any other insurance against calamities as usual is the western world, just because they cannot afford it, therefore sickness or accident which needs medical treatment or expensive medicines can cause a disaster within the family. Elementary education is almost free of charge, but for some additional necessary matters like school uniforms, families have to pay. Although not really expensive it sometimes appeared to be a problem for families to afford it.
But nevertheless, one could ask themselves, why not sending the donated money to other parts of the world, which even need it more, like some African countries were starvation and poverty is cry to Heaven. We have discussed that but we think this problem can only be solved by the governments of the rich western countries, who should built on structural aid. The aim of Tikaloeska is to set-up projects with limited funds, small scaled and controllable. We address our self to young children living in the kampung in Indonesia. At the moment Tikaloeska started two projects, one in the birthplace of Tika in Lampung – South Sumatra and one in the birthplace of Runa in Sukaharjo – Central Java. Both Tika and Runa are our foster-daughters for already quite a long time. Tika works at a hotel and studies hoteling in Germany. She has been working at a kindergarten and was a little jealous looking to the nice and well equipped library at the kindergarten in Germany. It was her big dream to set-up something like that in her own village in Lampung. With the help of her German colleagues and parents of children, she was able to send the first books to Indonesia last year. Although the text is in German, the colorful pictures are the most important for the little children. Tika hopes she can count on continuing help of her German friends in supporting the Tikaloeska project. Runa works at a travel agency and studies English language at the university in Solo in the evening. Although very busy, 6 days working and 5 evenings attending the lectures at the University, Runa gladly manage the library for children in her home village in Sukaharjo. It is Runa’s big wish is to become a teacher after her study. Tika and Runa are both very proud to be Indonesian young women , love their country and culture and are very concerned about the future of the Indonesian youth.
In the simple libraries (taman bacaan) founded by Tika and Runa, children can read or look into children magazines and books, they can play games, doing some sport and Runa gives them simple education in a playful way, each Sunday, the only free day for her, because most of the Indonesian companies have still a working week of 6 days. Tika’s sister Viva is doing about the same in Lampung taman bacaan. Furthermore Tikaloeska supports some kids by paying the necessary yearly school fee for continued education. It is amazing how much we can do with limited financial funds. We started from zero and collected euro 1.550 from sponsoring activities last year, making it possible to start-up and maintaining 2 projects, reserved money for school fees and even have some money left on the bank account of our bendahara (treasurer Runa) in Sukaharjo. New plans are already launched by Tika and Runa. Tika is being in process to set-up a little library at an orphanage in Lampung in the same way as already implemented in the other libraries. After that she wants to send some sewing machines to that orphanage and start to teach young girls working with it. Runa likes to help giving education also in an orphanage in the neighborhood of her kampung in Sukaharjo. These are dreams of the near future, but we are sure we can make these dreams come true.
Of course we need the help of our friends and our family as donors of Tikaloeska. Last year they donated with pleasure, knowing that each given euro reached its destination and will not stick to the fingers! . “Overhead expenses” does not exist within TIKALOESKA! Every financial gift is most welcome. If you like to consider to donate a fix amount per month please contact Loes Rijsenberg. If we made you as enthusiastic as we are, please tell your friends and family of our Tikaloeska Project.
Loes and Dirk Rijsenberg
plz visit TIKABLOG : http://tikaloeska-blog.blogspot.com/
dear my lovly Uncle Dirk Rijsenberg,
We proud of u,really great man, i wish my Allah bless u.. and give so many smilies for u and ur family, if i could i would help them also .. , pray for me uncle, will follow u to be good man can help people the specialy children in Indonesia,Thank you for helping us to make some children happy ^_^ have a great day ...
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